our PARTNERS & sponsors

We are proud to have the support of our esteemed partners for Expandeo 2024, the only event for the latest trends and innovations in the Earth Observation industry. Our partners are leading organizations in their respective fields and share our commitment to driving growth and progress.

Their support allows us to deliver an exceptional experience for our attendees, showcasing the latest trends, insights, and solutions. Together, we aim to create a unique platform that fosters collaboration and unlocks new opportunities for all participants.

The connector

European Space Imaging (EUSI) has led the earth observation sector in Europe for more than 20 years, providing the best Very High Resolution (VHR) satellite imagery commercially available. The first to bring 30 cm resolution satellite imagery to the European market, EUSI is firmly established as the most trusted source for efficient collection and Near Real-Time (NRT) delivery of high-quality satellite imagery products. Through their ground station at the German Aerospace Center, EUSI continues to directly access the most advanced optical imagery satellites in the world and propel Europe into the next age of remote sensing technologies.

The innovator

Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem is a new initiative of the European Space Agency and the European Commission that revolutionizes the world of EO data processing and distribution. The project is being implemented by a consortium that includes T-Systems as a leader, CloudFerro, Sinergise, VITO, DLR, ACRI-ST, and RHEA. The new ecosystem will include one of the largest public EO data repositories in the world which is estimated to grow to 85 petabytes of EO data, and the CREODIAS platform, which is the first commercial element of the ecosystem, providing cloud services for EO data processing. The new service will certainly provide new opportunities for service providers, and create a long-term impact on European science, economy, and society. As a contributor to this important initiative, we are happy to be a Sector Mover Partner of the EXPANDEO event.



The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. ESA is an intergovernmental organisation, created in 1975, with the mission to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space delivers benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world.  ESA has 22 Member States: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Slovenia is an Associate Member.

During EXPANDEO 2024 ESA organized the Sentinel Benefits Study Final Transversal Workshops 2024. The goal of the Workshop is to present and discuss the latest findings of the Sentinel Benefits Study, and in particular reflect on:

  • the benefits of using Copernicus Sentinel data for public authorities in charge of roads infrastructure management, forest management, and lake water quality management in Europe and beyond
  • the challenges and the opportunities for the uptake of Copernicus-based solutions from the public authorities.

You can find more information about the workshop and the registration link here. 



ECMWF is the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. We are both a research institute and a 24/7 operational service, producing global numerical weather predictions and other data for our Member and Co-operating States and the broader community. The Centre has one of the largest supercomputer facilities and meteorological data archives in the world. Other strategic activities include delivering advanced training and assisting the WMO in implementing its programmes. We are a key player in Copernicus, the Earth Observation component of the European Union’s Space programme, offering quality-assured information on climate change (Copernicus Climate Change Service), atmospheric composition (Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service), flooding and fire danger (Copernicus Emergency Management Service), and through the EU’s Destination Earth initiative, we are developing prototype digital twins of the Earth.

PROTECT project supports urgent action for climate change adaptation and mitigation. It aims at enabling public authorities to use state-of-the-art innovation procurement approaches to identify solutions – climate services using Environmental Observation data – that best fit the specific and systemic needs of the public demand. PROTECT’s objective is to create and engage with an extensive and varied community of public and private buyers and practitioners from environmental transitional/ climate change adaptation services from national, local and regional public authorities to facilitate the definition and aggregation of their needs and functional requirements for climate services, explaining, fostering and supporting a ‘buying with green impact’ approach. At policy level, PROTECT provide decision-makers of public procurement, climate adaptation and mitigation, and Earth Observation policies at EU, national, regional, and local levels, with practical recommendations and guidelines to boost the use of innovation procurement for climate action.

On the 11th of June PROTECT is organizing its Final Event, held in Brussels as part of the EXPANDEO 2024. This full-day event is a celebration and culmination of the PROTECT project’s journey, supported by funding from the Horizon Europe Framework Programme. Read more here. 

Visit the project’s website: http://protect-pcp.eu/ and  follow PROTECT social media on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU_PROTECT and LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eu-protect/

OCEANIDS stands for creating tools and applications driven by users. These tools focus on Climate-Informed Maritime Spatial Planning and integrated seascape management, all aiming to contribute to a resilient and inclusive Blue Economy. The overall project objective is to develop the tools and applications that enable a more resilient and inclusive society in coastal regions via better-informed and integrated seascape management. The central concept is to collect, harmonize, and curate existing climate data services, making data accessible, reusable, and interoperable for developing local adaptation strategies.

EuroGEO is Europe’s part of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) – a worldwide network working to build a Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). On 3 July 2019 during the annual EuroGEOSS workshop, EuroGEOSS (as launched on 23 October 2017) was renamed EuroGEO following a decision by the GEO XV Plenary (2018). The other regional initiatives have also made this change. EuroGEO enables Europe to position itself as global force in Earth observation thanks to the vast knowledge gained through running the Copernicus programme and others. GEOSS is a worldwide system which aims to use earth observation data to improve the lives of citizens and help governments make good, evidence-based decisions. GEOSS is operated by the Group on Earth Observations (GEO).

visit.brussels is an organism of public interest subsidised by the Brussels-Capital Region. They’re the Brussels-Capital Region’s tourism promotion and communications agency, committed to:

  • the promotion of tourism, culture and events in the Brussels-Capital Region;
  • the creation of experiences that highlight its many assets;
  • the quality of the reception of its visitors, be they leisure and business tourists or international associations.

Media Partners

SpaceSide helps space organisations benefit from the power of content marketing and social media. Spaceside is the company of Remco Timmermans, working in an international network of space content marketing professionals. The Company creates effective content marketing and social media campaigns. They can run the entire campaign for you, run it as part of your team, or help you sort the basics and train your team to run the campaign.

Groundstation.space (dotSpace foundation) was founded in 2016 to create value in changing economic chains of production and innovation, active in; Space, Digital, Cities, Energy & Climate. The dotSpace foundation operates as a market maker within a ‘triple helix innovation framework’ of academia (universities), industry and government to foster economic and social development. The foundation is deeply rooted in the innovation ecosystem of the Netherlands.
They provide:
-Engagement (Event management (offline & online), Content marketing, Community management, Lobby & public affairs)
-Open innovation (Project development & tendering, Market analysis, Technology brokering, Innovation management, Pre-procurement)
-Capacity Building (Training & masterclasses, Traineeship)

SpaceWatch.Global is a digital magazine and portal for those interested in space and the far-reaching impact that space developments have. While showcasing the technology that enables the industry to edge closer to the next frontier, SpaceWatch.Global also provides analysis, forecasts and insight into the geopolitical implications of space developments.

community Partners

Eurisy is a non-profit association of European space agencies, governmental offices and international organisations in charge of space affairs. Eurisy favours dialogue and supports collaboration between public institutions, SMEs, industry, and academia across the space value chain. In doing so, Eurisy aims to advance the dissemination of space-derived innovation across society by leveraging its wide network of end-users. The objective is to raise awareness of satellite applications and to provide bottom-up feedback to decision-makers on the challenges faced in the uptake of space-enabled product and services. Eurisy support emerging satellite solutions which can help professional communities in many sectors of application: from transport to risk management, from habitat protection to energy, from climate change to the Internet of Things, to name a few.

NEREUS (Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies) represents the interests of European regions that use space technologies whilst simultaneously highlighting the regional dimension of European space policy and programmes. It is the key mission of NEREUS, as a unique thematic network for matters of regional Space Uses, to explore the benefits of space technologies for European Regions and their citizens as well as to promote the use of space and its applications.